I can just look at you and everything comes alive. Everything in this world may come to an end and I couldn't care one bit because I had you in it. I simply cannot believe there is anything finer than you. Funny as you may think, those button eyes your Tata and I have conjured up, why there is none finer in this world. Believe that Ani.
We ran your first 5K and let me tell ya. You did absolutely WONDERFUL. I believe there was a lesson learned that day. As tired as you were, we kept pushing through it. Your face turned beet red, sweat came pouring down your face. Doubt clouded your thoughts, yet you trusted me. You tried so hard to beat this 80 year old man. It was hillarious Anna. It was like watching the Hare and the Tortoise! And towards the end, you were so close and yet so far away from the finish line. I asked you what you wanted and you said the words I did not want to hear. "I can't do it mama". I asked you again, "what is it that you want, Ani" and you replied somberly "will you beat him?" and I said "let this be a lesson for you..." I will show you Ani that you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it. I will beat this man for you and in turn I NEVER want to hear you say that you "can't" ever again. Your father and I did not call upon the heavens to make such a beautiful mind only to go to waste. No Ani. You have the best, THE BEST of both of us in you and there is NO OTHER. I went ahead of you to beat that man, and was there at the finish line to see you coming in and give you the biggest hug! Congratulations my love! What an accomplishment. You even had some of your classmates running and we passed them. You should be proud of yourself. Ani, if there's anything more impressive, it's the confidence that carries you through life. That my love, is something that cannot be hidden, no matter how hard you try. Continue to do well. Run like the wind. Life is too short. Take advantage of all that life has to offer you. Don't hurt people in the process, live, love and toil with a will... because it all can end in a heartbeat. And all that's left..... is the kind of person you left behind. Make your mark Ani. I have a feeling peoples lives will CHANGE once they've met you....
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