Happy 4th of July! Tetka, you and I went hiking up Big Cottonwood Canyon...IN SLIPPERS! I simply cannot believe the things your Tetka makes us do! Let alone all the rules we manage to break in just a FEW HOURS! This my dear, puts you out of your comfort zone every single time and I try so hard to shield you from her. But if you only knew half the things your Tetka has made me do, oh heavens.... I should stop right now. Let me just say, life without Tetka, would be absolutely BORING.
We went off the beaten path, as you warned we should not. Curiosity gets Tetka and well, that usually spells trouble most times. And it did, sort of.... we saw a huge ANACONDA of a rattlesnake hidden high within the walls of a rock cliff. When Tetka saw it, she told us not to move because there was a snake near us. I couldn't see it but my instincts were to grab your shirt and pull you out of danger. As much as Tetka told us not to move, it was hillarious! WE MOVED ALRIGHT....I'm not even sure ANYTHING could've stopped us! It was like 2 wild hyenas running through the mountains screaming profanities in every direction! All I could remember was grabbing the front of your shirt and pulling you infront of me. You didn't seem to move fast enough so I grabbed you as if to carry you. And you clung on like a baby monkey does to her MAMA! It was hillarious now that I think about it. I think all the animals in the forest heard our voices!
Again, I love you Anna. SO SOOOO MUCH! How can you make my life so complete?!
BTW, you said this picture of me was your favorite. YOU'RE MY FAVORITE. :)
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