Ululare alla Luna, Bella!
Lasciate che la luna stasera sentire la tua voce.
Ballare, cantare, toccare la sua tonalita di giallo!
Lui afferrare da sue orecchie e sussurrare paroline dolci
Gli permettono di arrossire dai tuoi baci appassionati.
Ma non chiudete gli occhi, Bella!
Ascoltare la bella luna.
Egli brilla alla perfezione questa sera per me.
Nemmeno le stelle possono brillare piu luminoso
Per il suo destino che ci unisce.
Allo Ani,
Tonight there was a lunar eclipse. We weren't able to see it on the American continent. I believe it was Africa that could view the entire eclipse, and what a sight it must've been. I like to imagine sitting ontop one of those ancient pyramids in Giza, or on the shores of Seychelles....
The moon tonight is big and bold and beautiful. You are asleep. Tomorrow is your play at school. You are so excited to perform infront of the entire school and parents. I can hardly wait to see you too my love. The poem above is in Italian. I thought of you as I wrote it. Enjoy my love!
tua Madre
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