This is your room. It took 6 years to complete but we finally did it! You started to sleep in your own room from the moment we bought and laid out your bed. It's so amazing how fast you adapt to your environment, considering you have your say about it. (that must come from your fathers side hehehe) It's a raining Monday but we seem to be managing just fine. The house is clean for the most part and we're taking a break. You are writing a letter to Grandma Pola and I find it rather cute that you inquire how she's doing. Valentine's day was yesterday and your cousin Le'a bought you the cutest white heart shaped pillow to go with your bed. It has pastel colors with "Love" on it. I think she loves you a lot, what do you think? Well, this picture shows you with "my" oops, "our" laptop in your room. I thought it was so cute to find you busy playing games, so I had to capture this precious moment of you.
You just had 3 weeks off track and I must say after the first week, you were begging to get back to school. Your reading has exceled tremendously and your math? Well let's say you went from testing 4/36 in five minutes to 36/36 in 4:20 minutes. You are AWESOME! Keep up the good work my love. Remember, success comes from hard work, dedication, and discipline. I read in a magazine, an article about this tennis pro from Serbia, and they asked her how did she become so successful? She said even though practice was undoubtedly a factor in her success, she said there was two things that led to her success..... "commitment and dedication". And when I think of it, she's right! You can be anything you want in life, as long as you are committed, and dedicate your time and efforts into getting where you want to be. Think about this Anna. Apply this to your own life and you will be successful. I love you. Be true to yourself. And love openly.