Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010

How are you doing? We got up, I made you some cottage cheese and an english muffin. Breakfast for my champion! We went to the mall and you saw this makeup set and asked me to take a picture of you. I sent this pic to Tata and he said you're so cute and he thinks we have so much fun whenever we go out. I have to agree with him. You continue to excel in school, 100% on your math acuity test. You are totally AWESOME baby! Winter is coming on and I tend to get cold so easily, while you and Tata stay warm with ease. That's fantastic. Keep playing, studying, and remember your promise to study and discipline yourself to the fullest so that one day you may find yourself in a place that brings you peace, happiness, and independence. Always remember I love you always, and forever.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The 3 Amigas!

Make a WISH my LOVE!
Hi there Anna,
We celebrated your magical 7th Birthday on Friday August 20th, 2010. Aunty Lanice, cousin Pola and I met you at your school right before school ended with 30 transformers/Hannah Montana cupcakes and TONS of balloons with one great big one of your favorite singer Hannah Montana singing "You get the best of both worlds". I think you were the talk of the school that day. I think we had to hold you down from all the balloons you got! It was such a joy to see you light up with amazement and joy! I hope you know just how special you are to us. Especially me. I honestly don't know what I would do without you.
We celebrated your birthday at Boondocks. Your playhouse away from home. Your cousins, per your request Bootz, Malila, Pola, and Charity were there along with uncle kina'u, tata, aunty lanice and I. We played on the playground which was so hard getting you all out of. Then we went and saw the 4D movie which was so scary for mama, but we found out it was because I was in the dead center of the action so I saw everything! It was cool and you were so happy to see it. Then we went on over to play laser tag which ended up being TOTALLY COOL and we won like BIG TIME! :) Afterwards, we went out and played in the water bumper boats which we had fun soaking you and Bootz! lol That was so much fun! We took pictures, ate pizza and ice cream. You got a laptop for your birthday. And uncle kina'u says you will not have any issues growing up because of it. :) he's so funny, isn't he?
well, I love you. And I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do with you everyday. I love your famous quotes "mama, do you know what the best time of the day is?" answer: "RIGHT NOW" :) If you're reading this, then THIS IS THE BEST TIME OF THE DAY. Spending it with you my love. Have a great day. I gotta get ready for work. See ya! be good my love. and be happy!
Monday, August 9, 2010

I absolutely adore you, you do know that right? Just the other day you told me a joke. It goes something like this: What's got two thumbs and loves this time right about now? Answer: THIS GIRL! and it's got you with two thumbs pointing to yourself. :) You crack me up. I mean, where do you come up with these things? Well, here's some of my favorite photos of you and Tata whilst vacationing in our favorite spot in California. You guessed it. San Clemente. I loved waking up and getting us both ready to walk out our spanish looking hotel room, only to walk down towards Starbucks and your favorite donut shop. The spanish lady even thought you were "bonita!" that means pretty in spanish. People are always nice to us no matter where we go. We even got the hotel manager to buy us breakfast the next day! He felt sorry we missed breakfast and because you looked so cute, he said he would "make ah special breakfast just for us!" He said you are very beautiful, that I better watch out, you will attract a lot tov boys" and you just giggled. It was so cute. I love these private moments with you. It means the world to me. :) Thank you for being such a good girl. Always remember I love you.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Anna's 4th of July 2010

This year, the carnival came to town and you went all out with your cousins Bootz and Melila. I wish you could play with them everyday, but you seem to make up for lost times with no problem at all. Your favorite rides were the ferris wheel, the roller coaster, the bumble bee ride, the fun place with all the weird mirrors and the big wheel that kept on turning which made it pretty difficult for you to cross. :) Cotton candy, pizza, fancy drinks, and big huge hammers were just a few things you consumed or played around with. The fireworks at the end of the night was none other than the best. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and hope you remember these times with your family around you. My mother used to say to me, "your family is your best friends, Nancy. Remember that". So I find myself saying the same thing to you, Anna. Your best friends are your family members. Always remember that, Anna. And you will never be alone in this great big world. That and you can be anything, do anything if you just apply yourself and never give up. I love you my love.
Love, Mama.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I knitted this hat for you, but I didn't know it was going to be for an "adult" head! bwah! Today is Tuesday and when I went to wake you up this morning, you said "mama, this is my most favorite day!" I asked why, and you replied "because I can spend my points to get something from school, and soccer practice!" COOL! :D
I want to tell you how proud I am for the fine work you put forth. You have so much potential Anna. So much to offer, and so much to "give". Always remember to be of service to others, be honest in all you do, and I promise this, your life will overflow with love and happiness.
Do you know what is the best time of my day? :) That's right. "RIGHT NOW" :) because you're right here with me.
Love, Mama
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spring 2010 Vacation---TN, LA, MS, AL, and FL
Just thought of adding some of my favorite photos of our Spring Vacation down South! It was so much fun, not to mention our riding in First Class! woo hoo! Talk about being LUCKY! Remember the koi fish we saw next to the Starbucks in Florida? Or how about having dinner at Bimini Bob's Restaurant in Daphne, Alabama! And the white sand beaches in Seaside, Florida and grabbing those seashells you love so much?! And grabbing your souvenir from the shop while Tata was checking us in at the SanDestin Hotel and Resort?! That palm tree necklace is the prettiest one I've ever seen. You sure know how to choose the coolest souvenir, don't you?!
I'll have to post more pictures later but I just wanted to recall some of the fun things we did on our trip. I think Tata and I really enjoyed the dinner in Florida where you ate almost all of the raw fish! We laughed so hard because you don't eat fish, remember? We laughed so hard just watching you chow down on all of it and thinking, you NEVER eat fish, but you will eat it raw? Now, that's a true Hawaiian if you ask me. :)
I think you'll agree seeing the alligators in Alabama was cool too! Or how about grabbing those fancy mardi gras masks in New Orleans, Louisiana? You love to swim. You love beaches, pools, anything with water. It was so hard to get you to go when it was getting dark. You even loved the pool in Florida that was in our sandestin resort, you know, the one with the dolphins?
Well, this much I know. I LOVE VACATIONS WITH US 3! It's so much FUN! I can't wait for the next one. I wonder where we will go next. Any ideas? :D
I love you my love!
love, Mama
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Poem Made Especially in New Orleans....

The Red and White Delight
Three spoons please is all it'll take
To make our tummys quit with ache.
We three grab and tub and pull
For this little delectable is much too cool!
Shiny glazed strawberries galore
I implore to "Give Me MORE!"
Creamy white topping with powdered sugar
Makes this delight an irresistable flavor
A cake a biscuit I can't quite decide
But we three know our desire to try
So Mama and Tata and I take a stare
Just before we devour this enticing glare!
YUM! Strawberry Shortcake in New Orleans at the Palace Cafe' April 2010.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Colored cotton candy clouds
dance for me I beg you now.
staring out the plane I see,
a rabbit running beckons me.
open wide and come inside,
less you be consumed by the upside down chicken that lay beside.
Yes, an upside chicken Anna dare she say,
up, up, up, high above the clouds I think I'll stay.
for it's colored cotton candy clouds I see,
now won't you join me in my creed.
Monday, March 29, 2010
A- is for "always" making me smile.
N- is for "neverending" that's the amount of love I see in you.
N- is for "nestling" with me. I can never get enough of it! :D
A- is for "allowing" me to be your mother. I must've done something good to deserve you my love.
We had parent teacher meeting with you. You're in 1st grade and Mrs. Kilmer says your reading level is 9 points shy of completing a 3rd graders level. That's fantastic my love. Teacher says you're very charming, loving, and friendly. Your math needs some work but we will get on it, I have no doubt, because like I said "you are very intelligent" and I know you can be anything in this life. Mrs. Kilmer says "Anna, you will have many opportunities to be anything you want because your parents care about you.
You love when I read a book to you at night before bedtime. Tonight we read about a boy who took his sister with him near a river to fish and play. He said he had a feeling that he should tell his parents but thought they were too busy to be told. Later he found out that even though they had fun, they were in danger. He learned also that he should always listen to his parents because they know what's best. Always remember to talk to us. Mama and Tata love you every single day and want you to be safe and happy. Be good my love, as you always have. I'm so proud of you and all that you do.
Have a wonderful day at school tomorrow. And do your best. :)
N- is for "neverending" that's the amount of love I see in you.
N- is for "nestling" with me. I can never get enough of it! :D
A- is for "allowing" me to be your mother. I must've done something good to deserve you my love.
We had parent teacher meeting with you. You're in 1st grade and Mrs. Kilmer says your reading level is 9 points shy of completing a 3rd graders level. That's fantastic my love. Teacher says you're very charming, loving, and friendly. Your math needs some work but we will get on it, I have no doubt, because like I said "you are very intelligent" and I know you can be anything in this life. Mrs. Kilmer says "Anna, you will have many opportunities to be anything you want because your parents care about you.
You love when I read a book to you at night before bedtime. Tonight we read about a boy who took his sister with him near a river to fish and play. He said he had a feeling that he should tell his parents but thought they were too busy to be told. Later he found out that even though they had fun, they were in danger. He learned also that he should always listen to his parents because they know what's best. Always remember to talk to us. Mama and Tata love you every single day and want you to be safe and happy. Be good my love, as you always have. I'm so proud of you and all that you do.
Have a wonderful day at school tomorrow. And do your best. :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well, here's a funny one about you. Just last night, you took a shower on your own as usual, and I was doing the last minute laundry and folding. Well, you came over to me in an apologetic tone, hands around my leg. "Mama, I'm so sorry, please don't be upset with me". While I'm folding the clothes, Tata is sitting on the bed. You have our attention now. I calmly say "what did you do?" and you say "promise not to be mad at me?" I said "just tell me Anna." Suddenly, you show me your thumb. it was cut. I asked, "what happened?" and you said in a quiet, almost in tears voice "I used your shaver". :D Tata and I dropped what we were doing and I stayed calm while your Tata started to laugh. You began to cry even more. I laughed inside so hard, it was hillarious! You asked if you were going to die and I said no. :P I think you learned your lesson. But here's the best part. I asked, Anna, where did you shave? and you said so innocently and serious "on my arms". I looked at your arm and there was ONE STREAK going all the way up your arm. We laughed sooooooo hard, it was HILLARIOUS! Of course, you didn't feel the same. It's not like you have a lot of hair, but there was a faint line up your arms. I still can't stop laughing over the thought! But you won't let me take a pic! lol I love you!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today was "pajama day" at school. How cool is that? I never had a pajama day, course, some of the kids looked like they just woke up and came to school lookin' like they had. hahaha. I thought you looked so cute today along with the other kids coming out from school with their pajamas on. This was made possible from you and your students efforts of reaching 2 million minutes of reading time. You said that once you reach 3 million, your school has promised to have a "water fun" day and somehow, I think you will absolutely love that! :)
This second picture of you was taken today after your ice skating practice. It was time for homework and you were telling me about the bengal tigers and how large they are. I love this picture because of the way the sun hits your beautiful skin. You are an excellent student. Continue to study hard my love and be a good girl. Always remember the best part of our day. what is it? That's right! "right now" :) with you. Keep smiling and doing everything you want to do. Be Happy and I will too.
Love you Anna,
me, Mama.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thankful for Papa
I made you grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Turns out you really liked it and asked who taught me how to make these delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. At first you thought it was Grandma but I told her that it was Papa! She instantly replied "tonight Mama, when we say our prayer, let's talk to Papa and tell him Thank You for teaching you how to make these delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, ok?" That made me smile. :) That you would think of Papa even after he's been gone for a while.
Anna's Prayer:
"Father in Heaven, thank you for being with us and making it such a beautiful day. Thank you for my Mama. and I said "thank you for my Anna" and thank you for watching over us and making it a happy day today. And thank you for Papa, thanks Papa, for teaching Mama how to make those delicious grilled cheese sandwiches that tastes so YUMMY. I love you, in Jesus name, Amen."
Thanks Dad. I miss your strength, funny humor and warm eyes and smile.
Anna's Prayer:
"Father in Heaven, thank you for being with us and making it such a beautiful day. Thank you for my Mama. and I said "thank you for my Anna" and thank you for watching over us and making it a happy day today. And thank you for Papa, thanks Papa, for teaching Mama how to make those delicious grilled cheese sandwiches that tastes so YUMMY. I love you, in Jesus name, Amen."
Thanks Dad. I miss your strength, funny humor and warm eyes and smile.
Monday, February 15, 2010

You just had 3 weeks off track and I must say after the first week, you were begging to get back to school. Your reading has exceled tremendously and your math? Well let's say you went from testing 4/36 in five minutes to 36/36 in 4:20 minutes. You are AWESOME! Keep up the good work my love. Remember, success comes from hard work, dedication, and discipline. I read in a magazine, an article about this tennis pro from Serbia, and they asked her how did she become so successful? She said even though practice was undoubtedly a factor in her success, she said there was two things that led to her success..... "commitment and dedication". And when I think of it, she's right! You can be anything you want in life, as long as you are committed, and dedicate your time and efforts into getting where you want to be. Think about this Anna. Apply this to your own life and you will be successful. I love you. Be true to yourself. And love openly.
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